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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 14:33


See the 30 second television spot

America: Freedom to Fascism - New! TV Spot

Watch the 3 minute trailer


Uploaded by americafftf on May 24, 2006 --- The official trailer for AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM, directed by Aaron Russo

Watch the 15 minute trailer

Extended Preview for AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM (15 Minutes)

14:49 - 6 years ago - This is the extended 15-minute preview of Aaron Russo's new documentary AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM


Last edited by Admin on 2012-06-23, 15:58; edited 9 times in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty Re: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 14:33



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty Re: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 14:33



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty Re: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 14:35


America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)


A documentary that explores the connection between income tax collection and the erosion of civil liberties in America.

User Reviews

10 April 2006 | by skittlesjunkie14 (United States) – See all my reviews

This movie is a must see to every American who is fed up with or questions the government. This documentary is engaging and presents a mystery from the beginning. Why do we pay income tax? Who really controls this government? Go on an investigation with Aaron Russo and the people he's interviewed. Prepare to be intrigued and entertained and to leave the movie with answers! It is set to be released in July, but if there is a pre-screening near you, go! He gives both sides of the issues and presents a fair but skeptical view of what is happening in this country. Unlike Fahrenheit 911, this movie does not shove anything down the audience's throats. It presents questions, answers some, and leaves room for your own investigations. This movie is truly spectacular and worth the travel to see it: I flew from Milwaukee, WI to San Francisco just to see it!

Last edited by Admin on 2012-06-23, 15:48; edited 1 time in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty Re: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 14:36

Last edited by Admin on 2012-06-23, 15:49; edited 1 time in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty Re: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 14:37

Movie (whole movie) + Aaron Russo interview (30min)

America : Freedom to Fascism

Uploaded by Acrinimiril on Nov 15, 2011
Purchase full quality Director's cut DVD here:

Rate film here - note the divide between reviews of corrupt corporate media and the people:

The true enemies of liberty and all modern societies and people are the central bank counterfeiters. The largest counterfeiter in the history of the world consists of the Federal Reserve banking scheme, which counterfeits American dollars through fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.

America Freedom to Fascism exposes the fraud and deceit of the Federal Reserve Banks (Fed), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the 16th Amendment, the income tax, the Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags (Spychips), Diebold electronic voting machines, New World Order (globalization), Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the use of terrorism by government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights.

The Federal Reserve System is a privately held, for profit corporation, and not a government agency. It was created by bankers for bankers as a lender of last resort, so that whenever a banker ran his businesses poorly he could be bailed out at the expense of the public. The Fed does not have any reserves, it simply creates fiat money out of nothing and lends it out at interest to businesses and the federal government. The American people are then forced to pay for the bailouts to government and businesses through inflation and personal income taxes on their labor. The currency the Fed creates out of thin air and loans out to the government at interest is called Federal Reserve Notes - look at the top of what you may think are your Dollars and you will see they are actually Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). FRNs are backed by nothing. US Dollars are required by law to be backed by gold and silver, but US Dollars are no longer in circulation. The only real US Dollars still somewhat in circulation are US Silver Eagles and Gold Eagle coins, but they have become so valuable due to the Fed's inflation and destruction of the FRN currency, that it takes thousands of FRNs just to buy a single US $50 gold coin, and dozens of FRNs to buy a single US $1 Dollar silver coin.

The Federal Reserve System operates through manipulation of interest rates, which results in expanding and retracting bubbles of inflation, referred to as business cycles. When the Fed inflates the currency, it is effectively a hidden tax on existing currency, because the value of the newly created currency is stolen from the value of existing currency. This is reflected in continually rising prices, even though advances in technology and manufacturing processes should result in lower prices and a higher standard of living for everyone. Since the creation of the Fed in 1913, it has debased 99% of the value of the Dollar. In other words, it now takes $100 FRNs to buy what just $1 US Dollar would buy in 1913, as a result of inflation due to the Fed counterfeiting so much currency. If you had saved $100 in 1913, it would now only buy as much as a single 1913 Dollar would have bought at that time. The other $99 of value would have been stolen through counterfeiting (cheaply duplicating money out of nothing) over the years, resulting in the vale of the $100 being taxed through inflation, behind your back.

The film explains how monetary policy is the most powerful form of control over people that has ever existed, and is central to the unconstitutional, global New World Order ambitions of those that own and benefit from the Fed. The founder of the Rothschild family international banking dynasty, which became the most successful business family in history, Mayer Amschel Rothschild once declared, "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes the laws."

Most Americans are kept ignorant of how the Federal Reserve operates through actions of corrupt politicians and an increasingly centralized media. Using terms like, 'quantitative easing,' 'monetizing the debt,' or 'adjusting monetary policy for increased fluidity of credit,' the Fed conceals it's true actions behind veils of legitimacy.

The U.S. Congress has the duty and responsibility of coining and maintaining the value of our dollar and money, yet Congress is being negligent in overseeing the Fed, as many politicians depend upon large campaign contributions from the Federal Reserve system bankers. In 2008, Democrat Barack Obama's #1 campaign contributor was Goldman Sachs, among many other banks involved in the fraudulent Federal Reserve counterfeiting system. What is particularly important to note is that Republican John McCain's top contributors were the same as Barack Obama's


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty Re: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 15:42

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview.


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Empty Re: America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)

Post by Admin 2012-06-23, 15:50


America Freedom to Fascism

America Freedom to Fascism
1:49:17 - 5 years ago
The Film Determined to find the law that requires American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo ("The Rose," "Trading Places") set out on a journey to find the evidence. This film which is neither left, nor right-wing is a startling examination of government. It exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created. Through interviews with U.S. Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, former IRS and FBI agents and tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card which becomes law in May 2008. This ID card will use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips which are essentially homing devices used to track people. This film shows in great detail and undeniable facts that America is moving headlong into a fascist police state. Wake up! ------ Dear Lovers of Liberty, the struggle is just beginning! Get ready... Are you aware by May of 2008 the law will require you to carry a national identification card? Are you aware that there are plans being developed to have all Americans embedded with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) computer chip under their skin so they can be tracked wherever they go? Are you aware the Supreme Court has ruled that the government has no authority to impose a direct unapportioned tax on the labor of the American people, and the 16th Amendment does not give the government that power?

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version
1:51:16 - 5 years ago
Over 3 million views before Google removed it. Get this on DVD now for $1 order at


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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