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Seven deadly sins

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Seven deadly sins  Empty Seven deadly sins

Post by Admin 2013-10-17, 18:47


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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Seven deadly sins  Empty Re: Seven deadly sins

Post by Admin 2013-10-17, 18:52



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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Seven deadly sins  Empty Re: Seven deadly sins

Post by Admin 2013-10-17, 18:52



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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Seven deadly sins  Empty Re: Seven deadly sins

Post by Admin 2013-10-17, 18:52



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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Seven deadly sins  Empty Re: Seven deadly sins

Post by Admin 2013-10-17, 18:52



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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Seven deadly sins  Empty Re: Seven deadly sins

Post by Admin 2013-10-17, 18:52



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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Seven deadly sins  Empty Re: Seven deadly sins

Post by Admin 2013-10-17, 18:53

The seven deadly Sins

First SIN
Pride: Is one that believes that all is well. That he dose not need to change.That it is always the other persons Fault .Thinks that he is learned anddose not need any more. They always answer Questions, that they haveno true answer to. They think of them selves as being better then others. There Right and ever one is wrong. Pride the cause so of muchdestruction.

Second SIN
Envy: May envy hockey players and sports game heroes as there idles and many want to be like them. many people Envy others, But God is the only being that we all aught to ENVY Dose he not lead us by example to follow him.

Third SIN
Gluttony: Why do so many seek for the riches of the world. And seek to gain more then what is need it. Should we not seek for Gods kingdom for all that he has for us instead.

Forth SIN
Lust: Why have more then what is given to you a wife or a husband is all that one needs. LusT; the cause of much suffering in relationships. Be grateful for what you have. It is a Sin and a great Sin, when one Lust upon another. If they be married. Never look upon a married man or women to lust. Why cause your self and the one you love to suffer. Porn is evil, The cause of so much DISTRUCTION.

Fifth SIN
Anger: It causes suffering. To ever one that is angered with someone. It builds Hate in your heart, You want revenge. PLANE AND SIMPLE Anger means to destroy the one that you are angered to. One can not grow with anger in his heart (learn to forgive to be free )

Sixth SIN
Greed: Taking more then what is need it, selfishness, Taking no thought to give to another. A person who is spiritually dead.

Seventh SIN
Slothfulness: Not doing the things that we aught to be doing. Being lazy, couch potato. Not helping when we see some one in need.. 

I can testify that if we learn to remove these 7 Sins from our lives. That your life will change, Were you your self well be an example to others that see you for the good that you do to others. Great are the blessings that your heavenly Father will give to you. For your SACRIFACE in this Life. Because think about it. For one to change his ways, isn’t He or She making a sacrifice. Even as Jesus Christ gave his life for you. He sacrificed him self for you and are you willing to make a sacrifice for him. Amen

PS Remember those that are offended, Choose to be offended, Because of there Pride. and what is the First deadly SIN. Pride. Amen


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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