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The World According to Monsanto (2008)

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The World According to Monsanto (2008) Empty The World According to Monsanto (2008)

Post by Admin 2013-08-31, 19:57


Last edited by Admin on 2013-08-31, 20:06; edited 2 times in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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The World According to Monsanto (2008) Empty Re: The World According to Monsanto (2008)

Post by Admin 2013-08-31, 19:57


The World According to Monsanto
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The World According to Monsanto is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin. Originally released in French as Le monde selon Monsanto, the film is based on Robin's three-year long investigation into the corporate practices around the world of the United States multinational corporation, Monsanto.[1] The World According to Monsanto is also a book written by Marie-Monique Robin, winner of the Rachel Carson Prize (a Norwegian prize for female environmentalists),[2] which has been translated into many languages.


The film reports many controversies surrounding the use and promotion of genetically modified seeds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Agent Orange, and bovine growth hormone. Cases in the United States (including Anniston, Alabama), Canada, India, Mexico, Paraguay, the United Kingdom (Scotland) and France, are explored, claiming that the corporation's collusion with governments, pressure tactics, suppression and manipulation of scientific data, and extra-legal practices aided the company's attempts at dominating global agriculture. Scientists, representatives of the United States Food and Drug Administration and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, civil society representatives, victims of the company’s activities, lawyers, and politicians are interviewed.[3]

In March 2008, French journalist Marie-Monique Robin released the results of her three years of worldwide research into Monsanto. A book was published by La Découverte, a French editor, and a video documentary, Le Monde selon Monsanto (The World According to Monsanto), was released on DVD and shown on Arte, the Franco-German culture TV channel.[4][5]

Robin travels to India, Mexico, Argentina, and Paraguay to see how Monsanto's genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have affected local farmers using it for their crops. The film claims that GMO use has increased suicide rates of farmers in India. However, research by IFPRI has shown that this is not the case.[6]

Le monde selon Monsanto (2008)

User Reviews
This is easily the most important film of this century so far
7 August 2010 | by Benoît A. Racine (benoit-3) (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) – See all my reviews

This documentary tells the story of how the evil and greedy American corporation Mansanto has developed food staples (soy, corn) that have been genetically modified (GM) and carry potentially lethal (carcenigenous) strains and how it has conspired, with the help of corrupt officials everywhere, to have those GM seeds gradually replace the existing ones worldwide, all in the name of profit, thereby levying royalties on anyone who uses their products.

These GM organisms are also based on a lie. They were created to eliminate the need for insecticides, yet require just as much insecticides and fertilizers as non-genetically modified organisms.

This unrelenting policy has made possible the silencing of dissenting scientists, the firing or corruption of government employees and officials in the United States and abroad and the displacement, elimination, impoverishment and, frequently, death or suicide of thousands upon thousands of small farmers in the world's poorer countries (Brazil, Mexico,Argentina, India, and so on). Monsanto's deadly poisonous seeds are also destroying by contamination the genetic stock of most foods on this planet so that the time will soon come when the Earth's population will never be sure of what it is ingesting and of its effect on their health.

It sounds like a sci-fi or at least nightmarish scenario. Unfortunately, it's all true. This film could only be made in France as the European Union requires the labeling of all GM products while the US do not.

Last edited by Admin on 2013-08-31, 20:10; edited 3 times in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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The World According to Monsanto (2008) Empty Re: The World According to Monsanto (2008)

Post by Admin 2013-08-31, 19:57



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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The World According to Monsanto (2008) Empty Re: The World According to Monsanto (2008)

Post by Admin 2013-08-31, 19:58



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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The World According to Monsanto (2008) Empty Re: The World According to Monsanto (2008)

Post by Admin 2013-08-31, 19:58


The World According to Monsanto (FULL LENGTH)
zorkmen·53 videos

Published on Jul 2, 2012

There's nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it -- it's strategic. It's more powerful than bombs. It's more powerful than guns.

This is the best way to control the populations of the world. The story starts in the White House, where Monsanto often got its way by exerting disproportionate influence over policymakers via the "revolving door". One example is Michael Taylor, who worked for Monsanto as an attorney before being appointed as deputy commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1991. While at the FDA, the authority that deals with all US food approvals, Taylor made crucial decisions that led to the approval of GE foods and crops. Then he returned to Monsanto, becoming the company's vice president for public policy.

Thanks to these intimate links between Monsanto and government agencies, the US adopted GE foods and crops without proper testing, without consumer labeling and in spite of serious questions hanging over their safety. Not coincidentally, Monsanto supplies 90 percent of the GE seeds used by the US market.

Monsanto's long arm stretched so far that, in the early nineties, the US Food and Drugs Agency even ignored warnings of their own scientists, who were cautioning that GE crops could cause negative health effects. Other tactics the company uses to stifle concerns about their products include misleading advertising, bribery and concealing scientific evidence.

Last edited by Admin on 2013-08-31, 20:15; edited 3 times in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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The World According to Monsanto (2008) Empty Re: The World According to Monsanto (2008)

Post by Admin 2013-08-31, 19:59


Svet po Monsantu! (ceo film)

Uploaded on Feb 4, 2012
Ne morate da verujete da Bog postoji, ali ćete posle ovog filma znati da đavo postoj!

Monsanto je najveća globalna kompanija koja proizvodi poljoprivredne proizvode: pesticide, hormone za odgajanje životinja, ali i genetski modifikovana semena soje, kukuruza i drugih kultura. Monstanto je napravio i neke od otrova koji su krivi za mnoga oboljenja, rak, demenciju a pravili su i recimo Napalm korišćen za rat u Vijetnamu ili piralenska ulja za koja se ispostavilo da su kancerogena kao mala atomska bomba. Uz sve to, koriste se podmićivanjem, pretnjama, korupcijom dok im je uništavanje malih poljoprivrednih proizvođača omiljeni hobi. Film je snimila francuska novinarka Marie Monique Robin.

Kao odgovor na francusku zabranu „Monsantu" da proizvodi genetski modifikovani kukuruz krajem 2007, tada ambasador SAD u Francuskoj Krejg Stejplton zatražio je od Vašingtona da kazni EU, posebno one zemlje koje nisu podržale upotrebu genetski modifikovanih useva. Spisak zemalja kojima se treba osvetiti „trebalo bi da nanese određenu štetu širom EU, pošto ona snosi kolektivnu odgovornost, ali bi delom trebalo da se fokusira i na najgore prekršioce", rekao je Stejplton.

Bugari izašli na ulice! Kao primer treba da nam posluži Bugarska, članica EU, čiji je parlament u martu prošle godine pooštrio zakon kojim je zabranjeno gajenje GM useva. Pre ovog pooštravanja i njihova vlada je, kao naša sada, pod spoljnim pritiscima, najavila mogućnost gajenja GM useva. Međutim, Bugari su izašli na ulice, i posle dvomesečnih protesta i pisanja peticija država je odustala od planova koje su im nametale SAD.

Srbija nije jedina kojoj preti opasna genetski modifikovana hrana! Portal Vikiliks je objavio najnovije depeše iz američkih ambasada širom Evrope u kojima piše da je Amerika započela trgovinski rat, u vojnom stilu, protiv evropskih zemalja koje se protive proizvodnji i upotrebi u ishrani genetski modifikovane hrane! Nas su uslovili članstvom u Svetskoj trgovinskoj organizaciji, posle čega je Srbija američkom Ministarstvu poljoprivrede dala obećanje da će u najskorijem roku izmeniti zakon o genetski modifikovanim organizmima (GMO),


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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