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What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life

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What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life Empty What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life

Post by Admin 2012-09-07, 07:52


Last edited by Admin on 2012-09-07, 08:21; edited 1 time in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life Empty Re: What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life

Post by Admin 2012-09-07, 07:53


What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life?
A Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy Compilation by Margaret Davis

Seminar on Righteousness by Faith

Video: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

This 6-hour series presents, in a simple, practical, and concise way, the steps to salvation. All who are struggling in their Christian experience will be tremendously blessed and encouraged as they learn and apply the principles presented in this seminar.

Last edited by Admin on 2012-09-07, 08:30; edited 7 times in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life Empty Re: What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life

Post by Admin 2012-09-07, 07:53


01. Allow God's Love to Come into Your Heart
02. Be Born Again
03. Have Oil in Your Vessel
04. Put On the Wedding Garment
05. Be a Hot Christian
06. Invite Jesus into Your Heart
07. Cooperate With God in Your Salvation
08. He Will Draw You
09. Do Not Resist His Drawing
10. He Will Reprove of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgment
11. Acknowledge Your Guilt and Need of His Righteousness
12. He Will Give You Repentance
13. Confess and Forsake Your Sins and Give Him Your Heart
14. He Will Forgive, Cleanse, Regenerate and Free You to Live the Sanctified Life
15. Believe He Can Do It and Accept
16. He Will Live in You and Empower You
17. Abide in Him and Bear Much Fruit
18. Fight the Good Fight of Faith
19. He Will Help You When Tempted and Make a Way of Escape
20. Take God's Way of Escape and Submit to Him
21. He Is Able to Keep You from Falling
22. All Will Be Tempted - Temptation Is Not Sin
23. Walk by the Spirit - Do Not Gratify the Desires of the Flesh
24. He Will Be Your Advocate if You Fall
25. Repent and Confess and Turn Back to Him
26. Forgive One Another
27. Help to Restore the Fallen
28. Make Your Calling and Election Sure
29. Grow in Grace Continually
30. Bring Your Children to Jesus
31. Discipline Your Children in Love
32. He Will Direct You and Teach You His Will
33. His Angels Will Guard You
34. Trust God and Endure the Trial of Your Faith
35. Understand and Experience and Preach the Three Angels' Messages
36. The First Angel Brings the Gospel
37. He Bids Us to Fear God and Give Him Glory
38. For the Hour of His Judgment Is Come
39. The Second Angel Warns About the Wine of Babylon
40. Test All Teachings
41. God's Love Does Not Cover or Justify or Excuse any Sins but Empowers Us to Live His Life
42. Jesus Had No Advantage Over the Sanctified
43. Through Faith We Can Obey God's Holy Law
44. Keep His Commandments
45. Sincerity Is Not Enough
46. All, Not Only the 144,000 Must Overcome and Have Moral Perfection
47. All the Saved Are the Bride....
48. The 1888 Message Was a Revival of True Righteousness
49. The Third Angel Warns About the Mark
50. God Will Seal His People
51. He Will Separate the Wheat from the Tares
52. Prepare for the Latter Rain
53. Give the Loud Cry
54. The Fourth Angel Calls to Come Out of Babylon
55. Satan Will Make War on God's People
56. Probation Will End
57. There Will Be a Time of Trouble
58. God Will Deliver His People
59. He Will Reward Us
60. He Will Make a Full End
61. He is Coming Soon - Be Ready

All Scriptures quoted in this book are from the King James Version unless otherwise indicated.

Last edited by Admin on 2012-09-07, 08:25; edited 1 time in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life Empty Re: What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life

Post by Admin 2012-09-07, 07:53


AA - The Acts of the Apostles
AH - The Adventist Home
BC - 7A of the SDA Bible Commentary
CG - Child Guidance
CH - Counsels on Health
COL - Christ's Object Lessons
Con - Confrontation
CT - Counsels to Teachers
DA - Desire of Ages
Ed - Education
Ev - Evangelism
EW - Early Writings
FE - Fundamentals of Education
FL - The Faith I Live By
FW - Faith and Works
GAG - God's Amazing Grace
GC - The Great Controversy
GW - Gospel Workers
HP - In Heavenly Places
KH - That I May Know Him

Ma - Maranatha
MB - Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing
MH - The Ministry of Healing
ML - My Life Today
MYP - Messages to Young People
OH - Our High Calling
PK - Prophets and Kings
PP - Patriarchs and Prophets
RH - Review and Herald
SC - Steps to Christ
SD - Sons and Daughters
SL - Sanctified Life
SM - Selected Messages
SP - Spirit of Prophecy
ST - Signs of the Times
T - Testimonies for the Church
TM - Testimonies to Ministers
TD - This Day With God
UL - The Upward Look

Last edited by Admin on 2012-09-07, 08:26; edited 1 time in total


Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life Empty Re: What Shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life

Post by Admin 2012-09-07, 07:53



Broj poruka : 3201
Datum upisa : 2011-08-03

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